In the quick-fix world
    Of the fast-food fad,
We dispose the good
    And consume the bad.
We despise the good,
    We’re confused with bad,
With our quick-fix, fast-food fad.

We expect results,
    But we want them now!
We take pills and drugs,
    And survive somehow.
And we live in ways
    Nature won’t allow,
For we want results right now!

How we chase the chance
    To escape the truth!
And we’re dazed with claims
    Of eternal youth,
Overlook her lack,
    And her ways uncouth,
How we chase the chance of youth!

What is right and wrong?
    We are so confused!
And our gifts and time,
    We have ill abused.
Oh, for noble aims,
    That we were enthused!
But the right and wrong’s confused.

Heal the world, Oh Lord,
    For our hearts are sore.
And the myths of men
    Cannot last much more.
We are wretched, blind,
    We are sick and poor;
Heal the world–our hearts are sore.

– Aneta Reuter

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