His life was like an open Book,
    No sin to hide nor stain.
And all He said and thought and did,
    Honored His Father’s name.

He walked this earth in humble garb.
    No place to lay His head.
While enemies threw hate at Him,
    He loved them all instead.

The plan was set and plainly shown,
    And light flowed all around.
The sacrifice was offered once,
    Redemption’’s path was found.

How can I Lord, reveal such love?
    And show your grace so true?
In all I say and think and do,
    Your life must shine right through.

If anything should hide from view
    Your glory and Your way.
Remove it from my heart and soul,
    Deliver me today.

Then I will walk the path of faith,
    Ne’’er more from Light be hid.
And show my Father’s matchless love,
    Just like my Jesus did.

– Polly Chapman

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