The Wise and Foolish Virgin 1. The foolish virgin is indolent and careless, He looks upon his heart and is well satisfied; He's looking forward to his reward in heaven, But he has not obeyed and not been purified. But the wise virgin rouses at the message of His coming, He grasps the grace of Christ to make up all his lack; He springs into line with wholehearted service, And forward presses on, and never glances back. 2. The foolish virgin knows theories and doctrines But is not vitally connected with the Source; He trusts to feeling and feels that God accepts him, And has no time to see the error of his course. But the wise virgin sets all his affections up in heaven, He knows his goodness comes from Jesus ev'ry day; He claims no great worth but knows God still loves him, And feels the privilege of walking in God's way. 3. The foolish virgin comes up with new ideas To make himself look good by his own cleverness; He's irritated by sins he sees in others, Does not abhor himself and his unworthiness. But the wise virgin opens up his heart unto the Spirit, Which brings the love of God into his needy soul; He loses himself in love for all others, And works to save from sin and make the needy whole. 4. The foolish virgin can't understand God's message, It doesn't suit him so he counts it dry and stale; This makes him careless in what he brings to build with, And when the trials come he certainly will fail. But the wise virgin loves the words that show to him a Saviour, He glorifies his God for grace all undeserv'd; His heart is on fire with oil of great gladness, And to the world he goes: wholehearted, unreserved. Text: based on Signs of the Times, Aug. 13, 1894, and Bible Commentary, vol. 5, p. 1099