The Prophet Daniel Prayed 1. The prophet Daniel prayed to God three times in ev'ry day, Then King Darius made a law that all to him should pray. But Daniel would not pray to men, he knew this was not right, He still prayed unto God alone at morning, noon, and night. 2. Soon evil men that heard him pray, to King Darius went, And said, "We found a man, O King, whose pray'rs to God are sent. According to your law, O King, he must be punished quick; But Darius loved Daniel, the thought made his heart sick. 3. The laws, however, could not change, so Daniel was tossed Into a hungry lions' den, it seemed his life was lost. And as the door behind him closed, the King said with a pause: "I hope your God will rescue you from hungry lions' jaws." 4. That night, the King, he could not sleep, he worried for his friend. Would Daniel be eaten in the hungry lions' den? So, early, as the morning came, the King to Daniel went, And called, "Oh Daniel, did your God protect you in the den?" 5. The King was happy when he heard the voice of Daniel say: "My God has shut the lions' mouths, He hears me when I pray. For, in His sight, I'm innocent, I have done nothing wrong. And so God sent His angel down, to teach all men this song." Text: based on Daniel 6