The Narrow Pathway 1. We are on that narrow pathway leading to our home above; Marching forward, ever upward, filled with hope and filled with love. Though the clouds may rise and thicken from the darkness down below, They can never overcome us while we press toward the goal. 2. There's a light that shines behind us, it is called the Midnight Cry; When the chosen, faithful virgins rose to see their Lord draw nigh. They put on the wedding garment, made a perfect sacrifice; Had the union Jesus prayed for, they will walk with Him in white. 3. When we're weak, confused and weary, Jesus lifts His glorious arm; Sends us messages of comfort, sends us messages to warn. Still His Spirit urges, "Onward! Do not stumble in the way. Jesus walked this path before you, and it leads to endless day." 4. Now the struggle is before us, the resistance unto blood; Jacob's trouble, Armageddon, horses bridles crest the flood. Grasp the cord of faith completely, now a voice cries, "It is done!" Swing across death's yawning chasm, and eternity's begun. Text: based on Life Sketches, p. 190-193