The Invitation 1. See the new earth and also the heaven, For the first ones are all passed away. The heavens are opened and the holy city, The New Jerusalem, from God descends. Refrain: And the Spirit and bride call out, "Come!" And let him that hears also cry, "Come!" And whoever is thirsty, and whoever desires it, Take freely the water of life. 2. I heard a voice from heaven proclaiming, "See! the temple of God is with men! And He shall dwell with them, and they'll be His people, There'll be no sorrow, nor crying, nor death." (Refrain) 3. Blessed are they that do His commandments, And have washed their robes white in His blood, They have right to eat of the tree of life freely, And through the gates of the city, come in. (Refrain) Text: based on Revelation 21:1-4, 22:14,17