Sabbath Rest 1. You have a rest to give us: from our own works to cease; To see You working in us, and in those works find peace. We want to give our lives now and hold them back no more; The Sabbath– it will help us to magnify Your pow'r. 2. To overcome all evil, that only You can do. Your Spirit can subdue all, and make us fully new. But when, alone, we struggle, we wrestle all in vain; We need to rest in Your works, You fight– we rest again. 3. We place our lives completely in service, all to You. You are the Master-Builder, and we are simply tools. Alone, You make the plans now for all the works we do; And free from our own planning, we find our rest in You. 4. But resting is not passive; Your glory is to shine, That ev'ryone in darkness may see Your love divine. While earnestly we labor, we learn to rest in You; And strengthened by Your power, we work with joy anew. 5. You have a rest to give us: from our own works to cease; To see You working in us, and in those works find peace. We want to give our lives now and hold them back no more; The Sabbath– it will help us to magnify Your pow'r.