I Will Prove True to My Maker 1. Life will bring me many lessons; How I take them is the key– Toil and trouble–are they blessings, Or a curse to hinder me? Refrain: I will prove true to my Maker, ev'ry time, ev'ry place. Undivided, I’ll serve Him, being strong by His grace. I’ll meet my trials with courage, do each duty with care, For my Saviour is with me ev'rywhere. 2. Life’s a schoolroom, I’m a student, Learning, learning, ev'ry day. Projects, lessons, tests, assignments; Teach me in the narrow way. (Refrain) 3. Greater height means greater hardship, Greater toil means greater trust. I will take my schools with gladness God knows all, and He is just. (Refrain) 4. Grant me courage, grant me wisdom, That I may my lessons learn. For my school, I will be thankful; Be it rough and hard and stern. (Refrain) Text: Refrain based on Joseph's resolve, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 214