Give Us the Holy Ghost Refrain: Give us the Holy Ghost, Father, give us the Holy Ghost, 1. Like a child that can't speak and who knows not his way, We don't know what to ask at Your Throne when we pray, So give us the Holy Ghost. (Refrain) 2. That Your Name be revealed as the Father of love, In the world all around us, below and above, So give us the Holy Ghost. (Refrain) 3. That Your people in Babylon finally leave, And refuse all her wine, and her plagues don't receive, So give us the Holy Ghost. (Refrain) 4. That Your church be united in action and thought, And in oneness of love and of feeling be brought, So give us the Holy Ghost. (Refrain) 5. That the Fourth Angel's message shine out all abroad, With the latter rain power and glory of God, So give us the Holy Ghost.