Alone With God 1. Alone with God: this is the place where new life will begin; By faith to gain the life that gives the vict'ry over sin, When we're alone with God. 2. Alone with God: in private prayer and quietness we feel That He draws near our waiting souls and does Himself reveal, When we're alone with God. 3. Alone with God: earth's laurels fade, ambition tempts not there; The world and self are judged aright and no false colors wear, When we're alone with God. 4. Alone with God: true knowledge gained while sitting at His feet; We learn life's greatest lessons there which makes our joy so sweet, When we're alone with God. 5. Alone with God: this is the keynote of a holy life; True rest can here alone be found and freedom from all strife, When we're alone with God. Text: based on a poem from Sabbath Readings