1. All the apostles had entered into a ship
    To row across the sea in the night.
They were unhappy, for Jesus sent them away,
    He would not do what they thought was right.
As their thoughts grew stormy and their faith was blind,
    God sent them a storm to distract their minds;
The gale struck them, the ship went up and went down,
    They rowed and rowed with all of their might.

2. But Jesus saw them, He never lost them from sight,
    He loved that little church on the waves.
When they were ready, when they cried out in their need,
    He walked across the watery grave.
And when Peter saw Him he said, “Bid me come,
    To walk on the waves,” and the Lord said, “Come!”
Then Peter stepped out, and straight to Jesus he went,
    All of the others thought he was brave.

3. Then Peter looked back, as if to say, “Look at me!”
    “Look how I step right out on this wave!”
But then the winds blew, the waves hid Jesus from view,
    And trembling Peter was not so brave.
Down into the water Peter quickly sank!
    He cried, “Help me Lord!” Jesus grasped his hand,
And said unto him, “O Peter, why did you doubt?
    My hand is always ready to save.”


Instrumental – Sampled Sounds

Family – from Canada

MP3 – Family (from Canada)

MP3 – Instrumental PDF PNG

This song about the night that Jesus walked upon the water follows the account as it is told in the book The Desire of Ages, chapter 40, “A Night on the Lake.”

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