1. Behold how good and pleasant ’tis when brethren dwell as one!
    Like precious oil upon the head, like dew in early morn.
It brings great blessing from the Lord, it brings His Spirit true,
    It makes us ready for His work—all glorious tasks to do.

2. This unity God waits for now, to make an end of sin;
    He waits to see in ev’ry heart, Christ fully form’d within.
How can we keep Him waiting so? He longs to take us home!
    Now press together—all in Christ and let His glory come!

3. God has commanded blessings great, He has laid up in store,
    For ev’ry faithful servant-friend His life for evermore.
How can we keep Him waiting so? He longs to take us home!
    Now press together—all in Christ and let His glory come!

  – Psalm 133


Instrumental – Sampled Sounds


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This is a paraphrase of Psalm 133, written by Dorothy Wood, an elderly member of our church in England (who has since passed away).

Unity of heart, mind, and soul, is one of the distinguishing marks of the working of the Spirit of God. The early church were brought to such a condition of unity, and their message to the world was clear and united.

This is not the kind of unity that is often mistaken as the work of the “spirit” in our day. Churches claim to have the Spirit of God because of the manifestation of some fantastic outward signs or miracles, yet those same churches do not agree on doctrine or practice. Nor are they advancing in a knowledge of the truth, and real repentance.

The type of unity Jesus established was a oneness in truth and heart. The apostles actually agreed completely on the message they had for the world: that Jesus Christ was the Messiah promised in Scripture, and that salvation was found only through Him. This unity came through a deeper understanding of the plan of salvation, and a willingness to leave their wrong ideas behind and embrace the new truth. Popular sin, which passed as religion, was openly rebuked and such practices were left behind.

Such a work was a threat to Satan’s kingdom and he openly opposed it. This is another sign of the true working of the Spirit of God: opposition and persecution. But the heavenly unity with the Father and Son, and the earthly unity experienced by fellow believers, more than makes up for all these trials.

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