1. Brethren while we sojourn here, fight we must, but should not fear;
Foes we have but we’ve a friend, One who loves us to the end;
Forward then with courage go, long we shall not dwell below;
Soon the joyful news will come, child, your Father calls—“Come home!”

2. In the world a thousand snares lie to take us unawares;
Satan with malicious art, watches each unguarded heart;
But from Satan’s malice free, saints shall soon victorious be;
Soon the joyful news will come, child, your Father calls—“Come home!”

3. But of all the foes we meet, none so apt to turn our feet,
None betray us into sin, like the foes we have within;
Yet, let nothing spoil your peace, Christ will also conquer these;
Then the joyful news will come, child, your Father calls—“Come home!”


Instrumental – Sampled Sounds


MP3 – Instrumental PDF PNG

The text for this hymn comes from James White’s second hymn collection, “Hymns for Second Advent Believers” published in 1852.

The music was taken from a collection of Pennsylvania Dutch Spirituals from the mid-1800’s.

This hymn shows what a real Adventist is. He does not just rejoice that Christ is coming soon, but looks for deliverance from every inward sin that might disturb his peace and confidence in the Saviour.

When the sin problem has been cured in the church; when the purifying work of Jesus the Mediator and great High Priest is finished, and His image is fully reflected in His church, “then the joyful news will come.”

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