We may look for a Pentecost season to dawn
    When the saints through the purifying process have gone;
When Jesus’ loved image in them we can trace,
    Reflecting the glory of full sovereign grace.

Who then will not wish when this glory they see
    To join in the song, Hallelujah, we’re free!
Yea, free in the Lord, while our voices we raise
    In victory’s songs and hosannas of praise.

The true melting Spirit is felt from the Lord,
    And light and instruction shine out from his word.
God’s power is made known and his glory displayed,
    While scoffers will feel that they need Heaven’s aid.

Who here long can stand with his sins unconfessed?
    May all be searched out, and God’s people be blessed.
Confess ye your faults, and thus honor your King,
    And into his store-house your offerings bring.

‘Tis a cross-bearing way by which Heaven is obtained;
    In humility’s vale is the victory gained.
True love there prevails; and our sins are forgiven,
    While union and strength mark the pilgrims for Heaven.

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